Just two more sleeps until That Dam Hill 2021!

For the second year in a row, we’ve managed to dodge the COVID-19 lock-down bullet, so things are full steam ahead!


Race kit pick up is Friday September 17 at the Stone Cottage Springbank Park, 1085 Commissioners Road West, London ON between 4:30 and 8 PM.  See map URL below if you don’t know where the stone cottage is.  If you are unable to pick up your kit on Friday night, you can pick it up on Saturday morning.  Race kit pick-up closes at 7:30 AM, so we recommend that you get there before 7 AM in case there is a bit of a line.  It will help speed things along if you know your bib number (see below).

Here are a couple of web addresses you may want to hold onto:

– Our September 9 email talking about COVID-19 Protocols, Parking, Relay Teams: http://thatdamhill.ca/that-dam-hill-just-two-weeks-to-go/

– URL that shows your bib number. Please verify that the info we have is correct (name, age, etc.): https://www.webscorer.com/registerlist?raceid=239474&details=1 By default, this list is in order of your first name, but you can re-sort by name by clicking on the column heading. You can also do a quick search for your name by doing a search with CTRL-F. Things may be a bit faster at race kit pick-up if you know your bib number. NOTE that relay teams will be found under their team name: Canada Life Home Builders, Dunn with Cancer, JFR, Let’s Build Hope and Homes, Rip Roaring, and Very Tired People.

– URL for live results on race day (we are pretty sure): https://www.webscorer.com/race?raceid=239474


Again, because of COVID-19, we are not providing hydration for your run.  Each runner must set up their own support station along the loop. As per the map to which we referred in the last email (http://thatdamhill.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/That-Dam-Hill-Course-Layout.png), you’ll be able to set up your support station on the OUTSIDE of the track on race morning. We’re reserving the east and south-east portion of the course for support stations for the 24 hour racers, with the relay teams being closest to the exchange zone at the stone cottage. We’ll post wooden stakes along the route to denote an appropriately-distanced support station location. When you register on Friday, you can write your name/bib number on one of those stakes to reserve it so that you know where you’ll be setting up on Saturday morning.

Please do not set up a table on the inside of the track. That said, if you have a volunteer that is supporting you, they may stand at the inside of the track to hand you water/Gatorade as long as you don’t stop and chat. Particularly in the marathon, we have a bunch of folks who are going for Boston Qualifier times and/or Personal Best times, so we want to keep the inside of the track clear.

Once the Half Marathon, Marathon and 6 hour races are complete, there will be tons of premium spots available for those doing the 12-hour race.

For the safety and security of your personal belongings we recommend you set up your aid station on the Saturday morning pre-race (if you have a helper who can set up for you, that would be ideal). The park is open to the public Friday night, and there is a risk that someone could tamper with your belongings if you set up your station then.
Ultra runners: Remember to bring extra dry clothes and shoes to change into for your own comfort throughout the race (especially if the weather/temperatures change).


On that note, if you decide to take a walk break during your run, please do your best to stay off the shortest route around the track — so move off to the grass or to the outside of the track — in order to allow other participants to have the shortest route possible to complete their laps. I’m sure they’d prefer to run just 42.2 km rather than 42.7 km!


Make sure you are at the race starting points well ahead of time. We will be starting the races at 8 AM, noon (8-hour relay) and 8 PM (12-hour) SHARP. The timed races will start at the stone cottage, but the Marathon will start beyond the west washrooms — 550 m. to the west. And the Half will start half way around the course in the valley about 880 m. from the stone cottage — a good 10 minute walk. It is a “gun time” start (not chip-timed start) and we won’t be waiting for you, so make sure you are at your start line on time.

We will have volunteers to help you get to the proper start lines.

We ask everyone to wear a mask at the start lines, but you can discard the mask as soon as the race is underway.

This is really important!: Each runner/team will be provided with a stylish That Dam Hill bib belt.  Please wear the bib on the outside of any apparel so that the timing antennas can pick it up and the video camera back-up can see it.  Half and Full marathoners: You are responsible for tracking how many laps you’ve done.  Although the timing system and URL above can help, it is not perfect and occasionally misses a runner.  Having your bib on the outside of your clothing and visible will help the timing system to keep accurate information on your run.


That is all for now.

Good luck on Saturday/Sunday and have a wonderful (and safe) race experience!


Leo DeSumma
Dave LaDouceur
Bruce Lamb, Timer